1990年ショパン国際ピアノ・コンクールにおいて歴代の日本人として最年少で入賞。文化庁芸術選奨文部大臣新人賞受賞。ポーランド政府よりショパンの作品に対して特に顕著な芸術活動を行った世界で 100名の芸術家に贈られる「ショパン・パスポート」を授与される。2010年、「ショパン・ピアノ独奏曲 全166曲コンサート」を行い、ギネス世界記録に認定され、翌年「212曲」を演奏して記録を更新した。
リリースされた CDは、文化庁芸術祭レコード部門優秀賞、国際F.リスト賞レコードグランプリ最優秀賞等栄えある賞を受賞。「横山幸雄プレイエルによるショパン・ピアノ独奏曲全曲集」(全12タイトル/キングレコード)他、アールアンフィニ・レーベルより多数リリースし、レコード芸術誌では連続して特選盤となっている。また、最新CDは「横山幸雄/ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番/他」(共演:下野竜也指揮/新日本フィル)、「横山幸雄/ドビュッシー:前奏曲第1集・第2集(全24曲)」「パデレフスキ名曲集」など。
2020年ベートーヴェン生誕 250周年に向けてのシリーズ「ベートーヴェン・プラス」の開催や「4大ピアノ協奏曲」の一挙演奏といった意欲的な取り組みは注目を集め、高い評価を確立している。2019年5月3日~5日には東京オペラシティコンサートホールにて、横山幸雄「入魂のショパン10周年」を記念し、ショパンが生涯で作曲した240曲の作品(独奏曲、協奏曲、声楽曲、室内楽曲)をすべて演奏するという前人未踏のプロジェクトを開催。
リストランテ ペガソ
リストランテ キメラ
Yukio Yokoyama was born in Tokyo in 1971. He entered the high schoolassociated to the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music in 1986, and in the following year went to study at the Paris Music Conservatoire Collegium with a scholarship from the French Government.
There, he studied under Jacques Rouvier, Vlado Perlmuter and others. In 1989 he won prizes at the Busconi International Concours and the Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud Concours.
In 1990, at the age of 19, he graduated from the Paris Conservatoire with grants of Premier Prix in piano and chamber music and the same year won third prize
(no first prize was allocated this year) from the Chopin International Piano Competition and also the Sonata prize.
With this success, Yokoyama then officially began his concert activities, including recitals and performances with orchestras in cities all around the world, in addition to chamber music and radio broadcast performances.
In 2001, he made his successful recital debut as well as concerto debut in St. Petersburg with the St. Petersburg Philharmony under Nikolai Alexeev. During the years of 2005 – 2006, Yokoyama performed together with Berlin Symphony Orchestra “Emperor Concerto” under the baton of Eliahu Inbal.
He also performed Liszt 1st piano concerto with the NHK symphony Orchestra under the baton of Jun Merkl.
He has accomplished the marathon concert of all 5 Beethoven piano concertos with the Japan Chamber Orchestra performed in one night.
With much success, he performed together with the London Symphony under the baton of Myung-Whon Chung.
In 1991, Yokoyama released his first two CDs, of Chopin piano concerto No. 1, and Piano Sonata Nos. 2 and 3, on Sony records.
He was awarded the Cziffra Foundation Award in Paris in the same year.
He has released many CDs to date, including Liszt’s Etudes of Transcendental Techniques, which was also released by Sony in Japan in fall 1998 and was produced by Grammy nominated producer Wolf Erichson. In 1999, the Liszt CD won the twenty-fifth International Liszt Grand Prix for a new recording.
Yokoyama’s recent CDs are a live recording of Ravel’s Piano Concerto,Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 and Rachmaninoff: Piano Concert No. 3 (with the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Kazuhiro Koizumi) (2012);Plays Liszt 2013 (2013),PPlays Schuman 2014 and Plays Mozart 2015.
These were released on Sony Music Direct.
Currently Professor at Ueno Gakuen, and Adjunct Professor at Elisabeth University of Music, Yokoyama is also devoted to educating young musicians.
In 2010, the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth, Yokoyama carried out a series of Chopin concerts in various cities of Japan.
In one concert he played 166 solo works of Chopin, including all of the published pieces plus the major posthumous works, mostly in written order.
The Guinness Book of World Records granted him the World Record in the category “Most pieces of music performed by a solo artist in 24 hours.” In recognition of this achievement, the government of Poland awarded him with the “Chopin Passport,” presented to 100 artists worldwide who carried out especially remarkable activities related to the works of Chopin in the year of the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth.
And in 2011, Yokoyama performed 212 Chopin solo works, including previously unpublished pieces, in a single concert, thus breaking his own Guinness World Record.